Clinical Toxicology
Rabiul Hossain; Robed Amin; Ahmed Riyadh Hossain; Azizul Kahhar; Fazle Rabbi Chowdhury
Volume 3, Issue 1 , January 2017, , Pages 4-10
Objective: The scale of the problem of poisoning is enormous hence clinico epidemiological spectrum of all poisoning cases need to explore to generate the management tool.
Methods: This prospective study was done at two medicine units (Unit 5 and 10) of Dhaka Medical College Hospital from July ...
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Objective: The scale of the problem of poisoning is enormous hence clinico epidemiological spectrum of all poisoning cases need to explore to generate the management tool.
Methods: This prospective study was done at two medicine units (Unit 5 and 10) of Dhaka Medical College Hospital from July to December 2010 where all poisoning cases were seen. A total of 2890 patients were admitted out of which 600 were taken into the study.
Results: Among the poisoning cases 29% were pesticide, 27% travel related poisoning, and 20% benzodiazepine. 70% of poisoning occurred below 30 years of age and male: female ratio was 3:2. Incidence of poisoning was highest among students (31%) and housewives (25%). Majority of the patients were from urban area (76%) and most common intention was suicidal (66%). Familial disharmony was the prime cause (63%) behind poisoning. 42% cases got admitted between 5-8 hours of poisoning and more than 80% patients were admitted in the hospital directly without getting any first aid anywhere. Sixty-eight percent had Glasgow coma scale (GCS) score above 10 during admission. Cardinal clinical features of poisoning were nausea/vomiting (63%), drowsiness (56%), miosis (31%). Seventy percent patients were treated with only general and supportive treatment and specific antidotes were used in 30% cases. Case fatality for pesticide, benzodiazepine/anti-psychotic, rodenticide and snake bite was 6.9%, 2.2%, 8.3% and 3.3% respectively.
Conclusion: To assess the magnitude of problem, awareness of the public for prevention, immediate first aid measures and quick hospital admission is crucial component of poisoning.
Emergency medicine
Parash Ullah; Alamgir Chowdhury; Ishrat Tahsin Isha; Sultan Mahmood; Fazle Rabbi Chowdhury; Mohammad Zeesan-ul- Abir; Aziz Al Manna; Muhammad Ismail Patwary
Volume 2, Issue 2 , July 2016, , Pages 55-57
Wasp sting is a relatively common arthropod assault. This usually results in pain and mild allergic reactions, but sometimes may cause severe systemic reaction and multiorgan dysfunction including rhabdomyolysis, hemolysis, coagulopathy, hepatic, renal and cardiac complications. Along with several ...
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Wasp sting is a relatively common arthropod assault. This usually results in pain and mild allergic reactions, but sometimes may cause severe systemic reaction and multiorgan dysfunction including rhabdomyolysis, hemolysis, coagulopathy, hepatic, renal and cardiac complications. Along with several other pathomechanisms, rhabdomyolysis is a distinguished cause of acute kidney injury (AKI) in patients with wasp sting. We herein report a case in which the patient developed rhabdomyolysis followed by AKI due to multiple wasp stings. The offending wasp was brought to the hospital and the species was confirmed by a zoologist (Vespa affinis).